Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sweet Sisters

I have been so lucky to have been kept busy with my photography lately. Mostly just friends and family, but it's fun to photograph people who don't constantly bark out "MOM, no more pictures!"

Last night I photographed the two adorable daughters of a friend of mine.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Right after the last photo, she pulled her bike up off of the ground and yelled over to me, "I'm fine Mom!" then pedaled off down the driveway.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cousins Photo Shoot

I couldn't have asked for better weather for today's photo shoot, no jackets or hats necessary. This afternoon I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph some cuties (a few of them for the second time) from my husband's side of the family.

With the help of my newly purchased Adobe Lightroom, I selected the best shots from the over 900 photos I snapped today and already edited them all! I love you Lightroom!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mountain Climber

This giant pile of rocks sits at the entrance of our neighborhood bike trail.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

About Me

My name is Aliceson Meyer and I live in rural Southeast Wisconsin, welcome to my photo blog! This will probably be the post with the most words ever on this blog as this site is mostly for the online storage and viewing of my photography. I am in the process of building a small photography business for myself (and my family) and the Internet seems to be the best way for me to get my photos out there for people to see and besides who doesn't love to look at photos? Well, I for one love to look at photos and more so I love to be behind the camera capturing that moment when no one is looking or paying attention, the moments when real things happen. Emotions, natural light, puffy clouds on a spring day, I love it all.

Mostly, I post lots of photos of my kids, Mae age 7 and Binny age 5, almost 6. (By the way, those are not their real names, this is the Internet after all.) but I try to throw in some other subjects once in a while like my big old Saint Bernard, Oliver and the adorable children of a few friends and family.

If you would like more information from me about photo shoots and pricing please feel free to contact me through email at meyeralje{at}gmail{dot}com. Otherwise, if you're just here for a photo fix, let me not bore you with any more words...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Country Life

I was actually really surprised at how well this photo turned out, considering it was taken on the back of the family ATV at 40 miles per hour.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Roll The Ball, Catch The Ball

One of Binny's favorite games, played in the same place we play ring hockey with stocking feet in the winter. Lots of action in this kitchen!